
Pou for PC (Free Download)

Download Pou for PC


Download, Install and Play Pou on your Desktop or Laptop with Mobile App Emulators like Bluestacks, Nox, MEmu…etc.



OS: Windows7/8/8.1/10/XP/Vista or MacOS

How to Play Pou on PC (Easy Steps):

  • Download, Install and Run the Emulator.
  • Install Pou Apk from the Store.
  • Launch and Play the Game from the App Library!


Step by Step Guide on How to Download & Install Bluestacks and Play Games/Apps on PC

Download & Play Pou for PC without Bluestacks (Alternatives to Bluestacks)


Developer: Zakeh
Price: Free


Pou Review, Main Features, Gameplay and Video


Pou is a game that must have been developed as a joke because that’s the only plausible reason for naming a game with a word that sounds like excrement. Turns out that wasn’t a mistake because the main character in the game also looks like a steaming pile of poo.


Originally released in 1969, Pou was a game that plays just like a Tamagotchi pet that you have to take care off. You lose the game if you have the misfortune of forgetting to take care of it and the poor thing dies on your watch.

Pou is actually an alien creature. The developers are not very clear on how it got to Earth however you would think that a creature capable of interplanetary travel would know how to take care of itself. Maybe he just gets off on making other people take care of him.

You take care of Pou by feeding him, making sure his doesn’t feel lonely and cleaning him so that he’s a well-polished turd. The one thing that sets Pou apart from a standard Tamagotchi pet is its need to have fun.

You have fun with Pou by playing a series of mini-games with him that make him very happy. They’re pretty standard games such as Match-3, Sky-Jump and Connect 4 which you can play with a friend online. The games are fun but not particularly impressive.

ALSO CHECK:  TEPPEN for PC (Free Download)

Young players may enjoy the games though because that’s who Pou is marketed towards. Besides the mini-games, one of its coolest features is that you can record messages for Pou to say, even swear words.

The Good

Pou does not take itself seriously at all so if you’re into toilet humor then you’re probably willing to look past the fact that the main character is designed after the kind of dump that you’re ashamed to make.

The Bad

For whatever reason, the game seems hell-bent on getting your email address. Don’t give it to them because they’re sure to send you plenty of Pou-related spam long after you’ve dropped the game and are trying to forget that it ever existed.


Pou is an innovative take on the the pet-rearing genre however it’s basically just a fart-joke gone too far. That’s not stopping people from buying it thought because it is proving to be one of the best selling games around. Turns out that people aren’t looking for quality graphics or compelling story-lines nowadays; they just want something to laugh at.

The gameplay runs smoothly and the design is simple enough to suit the purpose but only children will be able to play this game and keep from rolling their eyes at the jokes that are in bad taste. As long as the gameplay is addictive and keeps you coming back for more, does it really matter how cheesy the premise is? Hardcore gamers will say ‘Yes!’ and reject the notion of ever playing such a game but then they said the same thing about mobile gaming from the very beginning and they still ended up playing.

I hope you enjoyed this guide, please rate and share. If you have problems running Pou on your PC or any other issues, leave a comment below.

Pou: Your Favorite Pet Alien!

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