Download Mobile Strike for PC
Download, Install and Play Mobile Strike on your Desktop or Laptop with Mobile App Emulators like Bluestacks, Nox, MEmu…etc.
OS: Windows7/8/8.1/10/XP/Vista or MacOS
How to Play Mobile Strike on PC (Easy Steps):
- Download, Install and Run the Emulator.
- Install Mobile Strike Apk from the Store.
- Launch and Play the Game from the App Library!
Step by Step Guide on How to Download & Install Bluestacks and Play Games/Apps on PC
Download & Play Mobile Strike for PC without Bluestacks (Alternatives to Bluestacks)
Mobile Strike Review, Main Features, Gameplay and Video
Mobile Strike is free-to-play massively multiplayer online game designed by Epic War. In this game players take on the task of building the greatest military bases in the world.
Mobile Strike’s display consists of a series of cluttered screens that are not very visually appealing but that is to be expected from a free game designed for mobile devices. Players start by building their own home bases and upgrading their facilities.
Mobile Strike offers limited depth in the way of strategy as the only goal in this game is it to upgrade your base. It plays just like Epic War’s previous tittle, Game of War: Fire Age but with a futuristic feel.
Players upgrade their base facilities simply because they have to rather than because they want to see what their new facility can do, then move on the next one. This ‘growth for the sake of growth’ ideology makes gameplay repetitive and boring early on. Mobile Strike’s interactive options make up for its stale gameplay.
Players are able to communicate with others from anywhere on the globe thanks to a translation software built into its multi-messaging system. They use this system to form alliances and plan on how best to build their own bases, share resources and discuss mission sorties.
Sadly the player never engages in any actual combat. They send their troops out on missions and to collect supplies for the home base instead.
Critical Reception
Mobile Strike is the first Machine Zone game to get a worldwide debut since the launch of Game of War. It was launched following a heavy marketing campaign that included a Superbowl ad featuring Kate Upton.
Action-hero favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger features in the game itself which boosted Mobile Strike’s early sales but did little for the actual experience of playing the game.
The main critique from players is their dissatisfaction with the in-game micro-transactions. Just like any other free-to-play game, players can buy their way past any difficulties all through the game with micro-transactions.
Leaderboards are listed based on who has done the best upgrading of their bases so the micro-transactions makes it possible for players to buy their way to the top.
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