Download Dragalia Lost for PC
Download, Install and Play Dragalia Lost on your Desktop or Laptop with Mobile App Emulators like Bluestacks, Nox, MEmu…etc.
OS: Windows7/8/8.1/10/XP/Vista or MacOS
How to Play Dragalia Lost on PC (Easy Steps):
- Download, Install and Run the Emulator.
- Install Dragalia Lost Apk from the Store.
- Launch and Play the Game from the App Library!
Step by Step Guide on How to Download & Install Bluestacks and Play Games/Apps on PC
Download & Play Dragalia Lost for PC without Bluestacks (Alternatives to Bluestacks)
Dragalia Lost Review, Main Features, Gameplay and Video
Dragalia Lost is one of Nintendo’s first RPGs into the world of mobile gaming. Nintendo’s other mobile games did not do as well as they hoped because Nintendo’s style did not mesh well with the demands of the players. Dragalia Lost seams to be a game from Nintendo which finally provides mobile players with what they want.
Dragalia Lost is set in a kingdom called Alberia. This kingdom is just like every other kingdom in the mobile gaming space with standard heroes going about their standard hero lifestyles. The non-descript hero that players take control of is seventh in line take over the throne.
The game starts when the character is on a quest to make a pact with a dragon. On his way there, an evil clone of his father confronts him, kidnaps his sister and the hero must begin his quest to make a name for himself and save the kingdom.
Most of the gameplay consists of short crawls through dungeons with a lot of narrative. The narrative is so long that you can expect to spend as much time going through story segments as you will playing the actual game. The cut-scenes are fairly long but Nintendo is aware of this so they give players the option of skipping past them and getting a two-sentence summary instead.
Combat is very simple. The players are only able to control the party leaders but the artificial intelligence does a great job of keeping the rest of the team dodging and attacking in an effective manner. If you want to take control of other characters then you can switch your party’s leader at any time and enjoy the depth and variety that each character gives.
Players can customize their weapons in one of three ways. Cards can be used to grant characters with special abilities such as allowing them to transform into dragons and dealing extra damage. Mana circles are also available to give players a different variety of power-ups.
The Good
A game that puts a high emphasis on storyline has to be well-written and this one is. The player is given many ways to learn all about the history and lore of the kingdom’s dragons and people in ways that minimize how much the storyline interrupts gameplay. The story is far from original but you can sense that a lot of hard work was put into making it.
The Bad
The storyline takes up half of the time you’ll spend on this game. You can’t skip past it without feeling like you are missing out an important part of the game’s experience.
Dragalia Lost represents one of Nintendo‘s riskiest ventures to date. They have always preferred to rely on their proven franchises but this game is one of the few times where they have decided to create an original IP for the mobile world. You can find many versions of this particular game on the app store however Dragalia Lost is slightly more creative than most of them.
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